Bingo Strategies and Rules
by Gayle Mitchell
In this
Learn Bingo Keno Games lesson, we explore Bingo Strategies & Rules.
The game has always been a
best bet because, except progressive games, there is always a winner for each game, unlike a lottery.
Online Bingo is the easiest and most comfortable way to play this fun game.
There is a wide variety of game choices and promotions online. 24 hour bingo, special promotions and bonuses combine to make bingo players smile.
You will find a display board for game numbers along with the game pattern for a particular game.
In most cases, the numbers are marked for you and a bingo immediately recognized.
This is cyberspace fun accompanied by great graphics.
The popularity of the game has reached epic status as the game is now played around the world.
The Basic Rules and Bingo Strategies
Cards are purchased that resemble a 5 X 5 grid with 25 corresponding numbers labeled left to right under the five letters spelling B-I-N-G-O
The middle space is marked FREE in most games under the letter N.
Numbers on bingo cards are selected and printed from 1-75.
British Bingo cards are selected and printed with 90 numbers.
Each number will appear only once on any bingo card.
There are 15 number possibilities for each letter of the word BINGO and corresponding bingo strategies are based on these numbers as follows:
B numbers will be B1 - B15
I numbers will be I16 - I30
N numbers will be N31 - N45
G numbers will be G46 - G60
O numbers will be O61 - O75
Bingo Callers randomly select numbers from a central location that contains and 'tumbles' all 75 numbers individually marked (e.g., B9).
Bingo Players then check and mark their cards if the number called is the same as on their selected bingo cards.
The Caller will continue to select and 'tumble' numbers until the winning sound blast of BINGO is heard and the card is verified. Once the winner has been established after verification, a prize is awarded.
There may be more than one winner at which time, the prize is split.
A winning BINGO could be one line vertical, horizontal, diagonal or a pattern as instructed at the beginning of each game.
Coverall or Blackout is a winning BINGO that covers all numbers on that particular card.
Pattern Bingo is a specified pattern on the bingo card. For example, the letters X, T or H.
Bingo Strategies:
- For each game, other than progressives, there will always be a winner, therefore, BINGO is one of the better gambling bets.
- Be sure to establish BINGO as soon as the winning number is called.
- Listen and react quickly to the called number because if you miss any numbers, you are reducing your chances of a win.
- If you play during slow hours at any bingo hall, you will increase your odds with fewer players, especially for progressive games.
- Do not play more cards than you are comfortably able to manage.
- Your chance of a win is calculated by the total number of cards released for that game by the number you are playing. So, if 1000 cards are released and you have purchased 10, your chances of a win are 1 in 100.
- On the other hand, progressive win possibilities are as follows: with 50 numbers, 1 in 212,086; but, it gets better for 55 or fewer numbers at 1 in 10,359.
- Bingo Strategies for selecting your cards and favorite numbers--Select: B1-B10. I19-29. N31-39. G49-55. O61-68.
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